Sunday, September 16, 2018


The kickoff for the Goreyosity Shop exhibit was Thursday, September 13th at the Gorey House.  Bob and I took off work and drove up for the event.  (Thank you, Bob!)

I was curious about the other artists, and how we were selected.  I learned that many were from Cape Cod, and some had also participated in the JFK exhibit  at the Cultural Center.

The kickoff was well organized.  We were allowed to enter Gorey's barn five at a time, where items had been pre-sorted and labeled by material.

Some materials did not require labels.

We were given empty cardboard boxes to fill with materials of our choosing.  When we were done selecting, we submitted an inventory of everything that we took.  All unused items will be returned to the Gorey House at the end of the exhibit.

I have a miniature project in mind, and I was delighted with the selection of small beads and baubles.  Details to follow!

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