Sunday, September 16, 2018


I should mention that I am also a budget director.  And as such, my inventories lean towards precise.

With that disclosed, please find below my inventory of Gorey items that I selected for the Goreyosity Shop exhibit.

55 small glass pebbles (multi-colored)
22 toy blocks (wood)
9 marbles (8 glass, 1 metal)
5 metal tins, various degrees of small
4 bundles of embroidery thread
4 books
3 hexagon shaped napkin rings (metal)
2 miniature plastic columns
2 wooden bead necklaces
1 box Monkey Brand Black Tooth Powder, complete with bottle
1 small plush elephant
1 blue ceramic soy sauce dish
1 5-ounce fishing sinker
1 rusted railroad spike
1 "Here Lies Pepper" pepper shaker
1 small wooden box
1 metal turtle
1 ceramic fish (angry)
1 ceramic monkey (or possibly a bear)
1 metal cork screw pig (or possibly a mouse)
1 small glass jar of hooks (clear)
1 small green pill bottle (empty)
1 wooden olive
1 red miniature pedestal (wood)
1 plastic vine with shells
1 large round plastic button
1 yellow glass teardrop
1 tusk-shaped bead
1 square plastic Lego part (possibly)
1 rusted metal clip (bent)
2 small metal items that I am unable to identify

Total items: 129

This should be plenty to work with.

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